Problem-solving by Dialogue

Jul 10, 2023

Jul 10, 2023



In this workshop, we explore how the Double Diamond framework, commonly used in the design space, can be combined with principles from Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) to create more effective conversations that generate value.

Effective problem-solving is essential for success in the practical world, whether it be in the realm of design or in everyday life. The double diamond is a framework that has been widely successful in the design space, and more broadly in consulting.


Dialectical behaviour therapy

Given my personal interest in speaking, one of the first ideas that set me on the path of learning and development was my first encounter with Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT). This form of therapy that focuses on helping individuals develop skills to manage their emotions and improve their relationships with others. By engaging in an open and honest dialogue with a therapist, individuals can gain a better understanding of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours and learn how to better regulate their emotions and communicate with others. The more i explored it, the clearer it became that:

“Dialectical behavior therapy is a user-centered problem-solving methodology.”

As soon as i realised that, I began to compare all the other problem-solving methodologies i know to DBT, and the one that seemed to have the most parallels, was that of The Double Diamond Approach, Specifically if you were to map out the conversation between the therapist & client, the patterns become very clear.

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The Double Diamond in Dialogue

During my time working as a consultant at Absa Design Office, i came across the double diamond methodology. In this article they explore a foundational idea from this methodology, which is the idea of Cycling through Convergence & Divergence. The thing that i found was fascinating was if you really pay attention to a well structured debate, or an honest conversation, they too follow this same types of cycle.

The Double Diamond model, which is widely used in the design space, consists of four phases: Discover and Define, Develop and Deliver. It is a structured and systematic approach to solving complex problems and developing innovative solutions. When applied to dialogue, the Double Diamond model can help to guide conversations and encourage the exploration and articulation of different perspectives and ideas.

3 Stages of conversation

The 3 Stage Dialogue process is a structured approach to problem-solving that combines principles from Dialectical Behaviour Therapy and the Double Diamond framework. This process is designed to help individuals gain a better understanding of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours and develop effective strategies for managing their emotions and improving their relationships with others. The 3 stages of the process involve exploring and articulating ideas, defining the challenge, and simulating and strategising potential solutions. By following this structured approach, individuals can gain valuable insights and develop effective strategies for addressing complex problems and challenges.

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Stage 1: Exploration & Articulation

In the first stage of dialogue, it is important to engage in convergent and divergent thinking, which involves exploring a wide range of ideas and experiences and then narrowing down and articulating specific thoughts, values, and feelings. 

Socratic dialogue, which involves asking questions and actively listening, can be particularly helpful in this stage as it helps to create clarity and encourage exploration. The mentor can help the learner to share their thoughts and experiences in a divergent way, while also helping them to narrow down and articulate their ideas through active listening and questioning.

Stage 2: Defining The Challenge

In the second stage, the mentor and learner work together to define the challenge in a way that is meaningful to the learner and reflects their experiences and state of mind. It is important to be clear about the values and potential problems related to the challenge. By engaging in an open and honest dialogue, the learner can gain a better understanding of their own thoughts, feelings, and behaviours and how they relate to the challenge at hand.

Stage 3: Simulate & Strategies

In the final stage, the mentor and learner work together to use an iterative approach to conversation, exploring different approaches to the challenge and role-playing scenarios that can be considered potential solutions. This may involve using the Elenchus technique from Socratic dialogue, which involves testing and refining ideas through questioning and discussion. By simulating and strategizing together, the mentor and learner can develop a deeper understanding of the challenge and potential solutions.

By following this structured approach, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of their own thoughts, feelings, and behaviours and develop effective strategies for managing their emotions and improving their relationships with others. Overall, the 3 Stage Dialogue process is a valuable tool for addressing complex problems and challenges in a systematic and effective way.

Strive for more

Strive for more

Problem-solving by Dialogue

Problem-solving by Dialogue

Problem-solving by Dialogue